In the late 90s and early 2000s Mintek developed an alternative approach to PGM melting processes, which relies on sulfides to enable the collection. The process is a smelting process, which means a chemical reaction is affected through the carbonaceous reduction of iron oxides.
ConRoast® as it became known, suggested the use of a roaster upfront to convert the concentrate to an oxide feedstock address some of the many risks and challenges of the PGM industry head-on. The smelting process is alloy-based rather than matte-based, which enables operating with a different smelting regime, and hence a significantly higher capacity for chrome in the furnace.
This oxide ore and alloy-based approach is the cornerstone of RST’s smelting process.
The higher tolerance for chrome is an outcome of the smelting regime, operating temperature and reducing conditions.
RST’s approach is to smelt low-grade (50 to 100 g/t PGMs) and low-sulfur (< 1% S) concentrates with chrome content greater than 3% and up to 9% which typically do not require roasting.
RST unlocks value through a novel and innovative technology approach, with a new process, and with a new product proven to offer unique opportunities for the industry.
RST disrupts the norm through innovation leading to increased recovery of PGMs.